Have you ever wondered why your clothes are still dirty after using so much detergent? Then chances are you don't know how to do laundry correctly. Even though doing laundry seems like day-to-day easy house chores. Many people unknowingly make some common laundry mistakes all the time. Although there are many laundry hacks out there, it won't be much of a help if you don't know how to do laundry correctly. The good thing is we are here to help you out with your laundry. Here are some tips and hacks so that you can always get the perfect white clothes every time.
There are many TikTok hacks that tell you to add detergent directly to your clothes. But they are all nonsense. Always remember not to add detergent directly to your clothes since detergent can be very harsh to your clothes fabrics. The best way to do this is to put the clothes first, then water and lastly the detergent. If you are hand washing them, Putra detergent first and then water and after that your clothes.
It's the most common rookie mistake everyone makes when they are doing their own laundry for the first time. Washing white clothes with dark-colored clothes is a nightmare. All your favourite whites will be ruined, and what you will be left with is regret. But experts say, you need to do more sorting when doing laundry. You need to separate muddy or very dirty clothes from clothes that have less dirt on them. Also, separate all your denim from soft and delicate silks. It's better to turn your denim Inside out and then wash them with cold water so that the colour remains intact.
Doing laundry does not come cheap, and if you are planning to save some money, then it's better to avoid the machine dryer. Air dry your clothes naturally. It's easier, cheaper and it makes your clothes last longer.
If you are planning to wash your new blue t-shirt, then it's better to do a bleed test. It will help you to make sure that the colour will not come out when you are actually washing it.
Many of you may think that if you put in more detergent, your clothes will come out cleaner.
But in fact, the truth is the opposite. Too much detergent can destroy your fabrics. It can also cause rashes on your skin.
While washing, many people used to unbutton their shirts and forget to zip their denim jeans. The metal teeth in zippers and hooks can destroy your other delicate cloth fabrics.
It's one of the most common laundry mistakes people make while washing. They think that rubbing the stain furiously will help to remove the stain. But you won't be happy with the result. Rubbing the stain too much can destroy the fabrics of your clothes. The best way to remove the stain is to use a cotton swab and dab the stains gently.
The next on our list is very crucial. It's very important to always check the tags on your clothing. Some delicate clothes or fancy clothes have dry clean tags on them. This means you can not just hand wash them or machine wash them. You need to dry clean them only. If you are a rookie, then it's best to hand the dry cleaning clothes to professionals.
And lastly, forgetting to wash your lint trap every time you do laundry is no good. Lint buildup can clog up and may get caught fire. It's important to clean the filter, or else your washing machine may not last long.
When you are living on your own, it's natural to make many mistakes. And if you don't know how to do laundry correctly, then knowing these laundry mistakes and following the tips can help you protect your clothes and save some money.
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